The lost city - Part 1

Templars heading to the ancient ruins - At the feet of the abandoned village

Templars heading to the ancient ruins - At the feet of the abandoned village

My paintover

My paintover

The original idea was to have a contrast between the Templars and something else; we decided for something that is not what is seem at a first glance

The original idea was to have a contrast between the Templars and something else; we decided for something that is not what is seem at a first glance

At the end of May I attended a spectacular workshop with Jama Jurabaev as teacher (this one:

We where divided in teams and we received an assignment.

The concept and 3D work was a teamwork result (and our team had the brilliant Gianluca Rolli as 3D team leader) and then we individually did our paintovers of the generated keyframes.

These are my first two (I'm posting them only now because I was in the middle of moving from Dublin back to the UK): the Templars arriving at the ruins site.

These are the links to Jama Jurabaev and to my team members pages:

Jama Jurabaev:
Gianluca Rolli:
Giuditta Betti:
Alessandro Ardita: